We belong to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God. Our leaders are of good character who strive 
to improve themselves and make the world a better place. Through their leadership, they encourage members to become 
better than they were before.


Our Supreme Grand Master

Brother deWayne Richardson

Brother Anthony Carter

Deputy Supreme Grand Master

Brother Rodney Craig

Supreme Grand Senior Warden

Brother Cleve Tellery

Supreme Grand Junior Warden

Brother Nelson Barrett

Supreme Grand Secretary

Brother Larry Cobb

Supreme Grand Treasurer


With the light of thirty-three thousand suns,

Freemasonry illuminates the darkest corners of the earth;

The benevolence of our gentle craft,

Is a blessing from the Great Architect Of The Universe.

To all mankind

Beyond the boundaries of limits

Set only by crippled feeble minds

Through the perils of endless time

Our Masonic brotherhood perseveres

Quietly serving others, sometimes out of sight

For breaking the darkness

Is the illuminated brightness of Masonic Light!

by Brother C. Pylate Price